The Mostest Fun Ever!!

A day at the MOST (Museum of Science and Technology)!

Elijah learns about gears

Dancing and playing the Xylophone!

Jonah and Elijah learning about pulleys and gravity

Sense of Smell!

Walking into the heart!

Discovering the Brain (and Nerve Center!)

The nose knows!

Jonah and Elijah in front of a green screen (the TV shows them playing basketball in the NBA!!)

Jonah and a fetus! (when will I ever say that again?!?)

Artist workspace

My favorite blacklight poster. When I asked Elijah who this was, he said "ummmmm". I said "This is Barack Obama. He is our President." Elijah said "Yeah. He's a Hero!"

The Shadow Wall

Jonah and his model trains! (He has loved trains forever).
1 Response
  1. jeanne Says:

    Hi Karen, Your pix are amazing, and so is the MOST for that matter.A real "hands On" for the kids. Say, would you ask Jonah, while he was in the brain, and nerve center, if he found my last one, nerve that is? Keep the blog comin, k? Love u guys, Jeanne